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Why Choose Life Training Institute?

We Give You So Much More!

  • LTI has some unique courses/features. The Biblical Naturopathic Doctorate program is achievable in two options. One is more of an academic orientation with 29 courses, which are mostly textbooks with some that are backed with online videos. The other option is more of a clinical orientation with 12 courses that are supported with class manuals and online videos.
  • The Iridology course covers both American and European research and models.
  • The Sclerology course is one of a kind! There are two other schools of thought on sclerology and LTI has combined the best of both and includes a new combined chart. This course is taught with online videos and a comprehensive manual. It also includes a new 11 x 17 printable chart.
  • LTI’s Energetic Muscle Response Testing course is also supported with online videos. The course manual is complete with concepts from various schools of thought that cover muscle response testing, nutrition response testing, and meridian response testing.
  • Other courses not always found with other traditional natural health schools, but are offered by LTI are our specific courses on Parasitology, Detoxification, Functional Analysis, and Establishing a Naturopathic Ministry Practice. Upon graduation, you will have the knowledge to operate a clinical practice.
  • LTI is definitely a Christian school that teaches from Christian principles. All of the texts have been screened to exclude radical philosophy that is contrary to Biblical teaching.
  • LTI is a 501c3 non-profit Bible School/Seminary. That means a diploma from LTI offers a level of protection to its graduates when working with clients as they are practicing a religion with a credential from a seminary. LTI also provides a ministers license number to those graduating as a Licensed Professional Naturopathic Minister, or from the minister’s licensure program.
  • LTI has made arrangements with ProAdvocate for its graduates to establish their practice as a Private Healthcare Membership Association at a huge discount. This offers legal protection to clinical practitioners from control and interference issues as well as liability.

    Life Training Institute offers programs designed to train laypersons, ministers, or professionals to be effective in many areas of life. LTI is committed to the wholistic approach to ministry, wellness, and recovery that is taught from a Biblical perspective. Man is a tri-part being. He is a spirit with a soul that lives in a body. True ministry, wellness, and recovery are achieved when these three areas are appropriately addressed. All programs of study have been designed with this concept in mind for such a time as this! Our world and society is changing, and although God’s message does not change, the methods often do.