Students that withdraw from a program of study within 10 days of enrollment will receive a 20% refund. There is no refund for students who withdraw from a program of study after 20 days. Access to programs are provided upon payment of the program, so there is nothing to be returned. There are no refunds given for individual courses and those paying one course at a time.
Transfer of credits from another institution or college is allowed. Life Training Institute limits credit transfers to three courses in order to help students develop a thoroughly consistent philosophy traditionally associated with the LTI diploma.
You must submit a valid transcript with sufficient documentation to verify similarity of courses completed to the named LTI courses you desire transfer for credit.
After completion of a program, you may enroll in additional programs by completing another Application. All completed LTI courses will be accepted for credit towards other LTI programs.
I understand that Life Training Institute is a Bible School that teaches ministry and natural health according to traditional Biblical principles. I agree that I will use any designation I receive in accordance with applicable laws in the state in which I reside. I understand that this program does not qualify me to practice medicine or any other practice reserved currently by state law for licensed professions.
I understand that Life Training Institute will supply the course exams on the web site. I also understand that many of the courses require me to obtain textbooks at my own expense. I also understand that for some of the LTI courses, materials are supplied with paid tuition (so noted on the website).
I agree to retake any exam in which I fail to obtain a passing score of 85%, and that the decision of the faculty and administration is final.
I agree to abide by LTI’s policy concerning all matters pertaining to enrollment and completion of courses and programs. The Licensed Minister, Ordained Minister, Certified Biblical Health Coach, and Certified Biblical Nutritionist Programs of study must be completed within three years. The five Naturopathy Programs must be completed within six years. The candidate who does not complete the entire program of study within the time limit may be dropped from candidate status. I understand that I may not be allowed to complete the program and all monies will be lost. Extensions for hardship cases may be applied for in writing and all decisions from the administrative board are final.
I agree that I have read, understand, and accept the terms of the REFUND POLICY.
I understand that if I am not accepted for licensure or ordination for the Licensed Minister, Ordained Minister, or Licensed Professional Naturopathic Minister program, I may opt for another program.
The Licensed Minister, Ordained Minister, Certified Biblical Health Coach, Certified Biblical Nutritionist, and Licensed Professional Naturopathic Minister programs are maintained with a yearly renewal fee or by completing an additional class from LTI.
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